The St. Columba Spirit of the Living God Charismatic Group is sponsoring a trip to Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster, PA to watch "DAVID" on Saturday, November 19, 2022. The cost is $165 (adults) and $100 (child 3-12 years old), includes the ticket of the show, bus transportation, breakfast , lunch and drinks/snacks).
Payment must received before October 19, 2022. The meeting place is at St. Columba Church parking lot at 8:00 a.m. and bus will depart at 8:30 a.m.
For more informations, please contact Rev. Gary Villanueva at 301-567-5506; Nancy Torrillo at 202-320-8903; Sr. Luz Domingo at 301-567-6113; Carol Dienzo at 301-873-2423 and Wendy Tolentino at 240-490-1139.